Appendicitis – Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedy

Appendicitis is a pain of appendix, which usually starts around the navel and moves towards the right side of lower abdomen. It is a finger shaped pouch of around 5-10 cm (3-5 inches) which is connected to the large intestine, where the poo forms. To get rid of the pain, the best practice is the removal of appendix from the body and it is not harmful for the person. The appendicitis gets worsen with coughing, walking or pressing on the area of pain. Various infections such as virus, bacteria, or parasites, may be the cause of appendicitis.
The blockage in the lining area of appendix causes appendicitis. Appendix is a kind of tumor which occurs on the lower part of large intestine and rapid multiplication of bacteria causes inflammation in appendix. Also, the fruit seeds and vegetables causes blockage of appendix and pain. In case the appendix gets ruptured and left untreated, the appendicitis can lead to death because the bacteria get spread in the blood. As of now, there is no way available to prevent appendicitis, however it is less common in people who eats food which is high in fiber, and fresh fruits and vegetables. 


Symptoms of appendicitis can vary from person to person. However, here are some common symptoms which helps in determining the appendicitis:
  • Sudden and acute pain in the right side of the lower abdomen
  • Pain that begins around the navel and slowly shifts towards the lower right abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite and Nausea
  • Light fever that may worsen with time as the illness progresses
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Inability to pass gas
  • Pain while passing urine
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Severe Cramps
The pain side may vary according to age and the position of appendix in the body. Also, in case of pregnancy, the pain might seem to come from the upper abdomen because the appendix is higher during pregnancy.

Also, appendicitis can cause very serious complications as well. A ruptured appendix: this spread the infection throughout the abdomen, which lead to life-threat that needs immediate surgery to remove appendix from the body and clean the abdomen cavity. Apart from this, a pocket of pus in the abdomen is among the most dangerous complications of appendicitis. To avoid the chances of infection, doctors drain the pus out by putting a tube through the abdominal wall. 


To diagnose appendicitis, doctors will understand the sign and symptoms and examine the abdomen. Apart from this, doctor will follow some tests and procedures to diagnose appendicitis. These tests may include: 

  • Physical examination: doctor will follow some physical examination procedure to understand the severity of appendicitis.
  •  Blood test: This test helps doctor to better understand the quality of blood like white blood cells that may indicate the infection.
  • Urine test: Doctor may also ask for urinalysis for better understanding of appendicitis and to make sure that the kidney stone is not causing pain.
  • Ultrasound test: Doctor may also ask for ultrasound test to know the condition of appendicitis whether it is swallow or not.
  • CT scan: A CT scanner uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed images. In appendicitis, CT scans can show the inflamed appendix, and whether it has ruptured.
  • Imagine lab tests: Doctor may also ask for X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) and other tests as well to determine the accurate condition of appendicitis.

For the treatment of appendicitis doctor will suggest surgery which is the only way of treatment. This surgery is known as ‘Appendectomy.’ This can be performed by the doctor in two different ways; the traditional way in which doctor make a large cut on abdomen to remove the appendicitis, or laparoscopy, in this type of surgery doctor may make several small cuts and use camera to see inside the abdomen. In this surgery, doctor will also remove the tumors of appendix. In case during the surgery, doctor finds a large tumor, then a larger surgery is required for the removal of tumor by cutting the part of intestine. Additionally, doctors drains out the pus or abscess before surgery. Apart from this, doctor tries to start treatment of appendicitis with antibiotics, so that there will be no need of surgery, if the patient gets relief with the medicines.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for appendicitis include green gram, vegetables, whole wheat, ginger, dandelion, fenugreek, and turmeric.

  • Green Gram: Green gram is one of the most useful and suggested remedy for the the effective treatment of appendicitis. One is advisable to take one tablespoon of green gram at least 3 times in a day to see the improvement.
  •  Vegetable Juices: Vegetable juices extracted from a wide verity of vegetables like beets, carrot and cucumbers are used among the best remedy for treating appendicitis. Also, a proportion of all these juices can be mixed. 
  •  Ginger: Ginger is also among the most helpful home remedies for the treatment of appendicitis. It can be consumed in the form of juice or slices. 
  •  Buttermilk: Buttermilk is used to treat several diseases. It can also be used for the treatment of appendicitis. The patient must be given at least 1 letter everyday for effect relief.
  • Turmeric: A mixture of ginger and turmeric can be used to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by appendicitis.
  • Mint: For the instant relief from the pain of appendicitis, 2-3 drop of mint can be mixed with one glass of hot water.

Appendicitis is a curable disease, if consulted the doctor on time. So, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor as soon as one feels the pain or any of the above mentioned the symptoms. If not treated on time, it may lead to life-threat as well. Apart from this, one can avoid such problems if start using home remedies regularly.


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